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Generally an income review will be conducted every six months, for all clients with the exception of any new clients, who have signed their agreement and provided proof of household income within the last two months, who will not be required to provide the proof of income and client declaration forms again until the next round of assessments. In addition, clients on Market rent will only be assessed once in any 12 month period as detailed in the rent assessment policy.


Every client (with the exception of new clients within the last two months and clients on Market Rent as noted above) will be sent an income review letter. The letter will outline the rent assessment process, what information is required and the date the information must be returned to the office by. The mail out will include the following forms:

  • Household Survey Form
  • Statement of Salary or Wages form to be completed by the employer
  • Request for proof of Income from Centrelink

Clients will be provided with the fax number for the office if they would prefer Centrelink to provide the income statement directly to the office. Clients will also be provided with the opportunity to sign the Client Information Exchange Form which allows Housing Plus to request the information directly from Centrelink.

When the completed information has been received at the office, along with proof of income, staff will check that the forms have been completed correctly and if insufficient information has been provided contact the client immediately in person or by letter, to advise them what information is missing.

Staple together the forms for each client, and date stamp the client household survey form with the date the forms were received and checked.

Assess the rebate entitlements based on the program guidelines and calculate the new rebated rent payable. Inform the client in writing of their new rebated rent. If it is noted that the client is receiving Centrelink payments and is not claiming rent assistance, the client should be made aware of their entitlement to claim rent assistance and be encouraged to do so. Should the client have signed a Client Information Exchange Form, Centrelink will be advised directly of the new rebated rent for the purpose of rent assistance calculation.

If clients have not provided the requested income review information or signed a Client Information Exchange Form at the end of the 14 day period from when the request was sent to them, a second letter should be sent advising them that unless the information is provided within 7 days, their rental rebate will be cancelled and they will be charged the full market rent for their property. (include the market rent for that property in the letter).

As clients provide the proof of income, their eligibility for rebate can be backdated as appropriate to the date market rent was charged, if their rebate has increased, or to the date their rebated rent decreased.

When the process has been completed, file the client proof of income and household survey forms with the calculation sheet attached in the client file. Details of the new rent and the date it becomes effective will be entered into the rent management program.

Last updated – May 2014